Component tag



The Scales component is used to create reusable scales. Scales created with the Scales component can be referenced in any place where you would need to create a scale by using # followed by the name of the scale. Besides leading to more DRY code, the Scales component can be used conveniently for faceting, where you want to split up data into categories while keeping the original domains of the data before it was split- see Usage. Note that the scales must be declared using the Scales component before referencing the scale with #<scaleName>.


Prop Required Types Description
scales true Object Object containing scales

The values of the object passed to scales will be the identifiers of the scales.

The values must be a scaling options specification- see the scaling documentation for more information.


Example of how to filter data, and then scaling the filtered data using the domain before it was filtered:

    a: [1, 2, 3, 4],
    b: [5, 6, 7, 8]

  <vgg-scales :scales="{ myScale: 'a' }" />

  <vgg-data :transform="{ filter: row => row.a > 1 }">

    <vgg-map v-slot="{ row }">
        :x="{ val: row.a, scale: '#myScale' }"
        :y="{ val: row.b, scale: 'b' }"



Note that the creating of scales with vgg-scales must be done before referencing the scales! Otherwise vue-gg will throw an error.