Component tag




Axes are used as reference scales for values in the graph. Each axis is typically mapped to a single dimension or variable.


Prop Required Types Default Description
scale true [Array, String, Object] undefined Range of values covered by the axis
flip false Boolean false Direction of tick and axis labels

The prop passed to the scale is a scaling options prop.

X Axis positioning

Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
vjust false [Number, String] 'b' Vertical position Number between 0 and 1, 'b', 't' or 'center'
h false Number 1/8 of parent Section height Height Local coordinates
y1 false Number undefined Bottom y coordinate Local coordinates
y2 false Number undefined Top y coordinate Local coordinates
y false Number undefined Central y coordinate Local coordinates

There are different methods for vertically positioning the x-axis on the graph. The first is vjust. vjust can be specified as a String or as a Number. By default, the position of the x-axis is vjust = 'b' (bottom), which is the same as giving vjust the value 0. Other options are 't' (top) and 'center', which are the same as respectively 1 and 0.5. These numbers refer to the position within the parent Section component- again, 0 placing the axis at the bottom, 0.5 in the middle, and 1 at the top of the parent Section.

By default, the height of the axis will be 1/8 of its parent Section's height. Using the 'h' prop, another value can be chosen.

The other method to vertically position the x-axis is to use some combination of the y1, y2, y, and h props. When using these props, the axis behaves in the same way as the Rectangle mark.

Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
x1 false [Number, String, Date] undefined Left x coordinate Local coordinates
x2 false [Number, String, Date] undefined Right x coordinate Local coordinates
x false [Number, String, Date] undefined Central x coordinate Local coordinates
w false Number undefined Width Local coordinates

By default the x-axis spans the entire width of the section. To customize the width of the x-axis, it is possible to use x1, x2, x and w as start and end coordinates. These props also behave in the same way as the Rectangle mark.

Y Axis positioning

Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
hjust false [Number, String] 'l' Horizontal position Number between 0 and 1, 'l', 'r' or 'center'
w false Number 1/8 of parent Section width Width Local coordinates
x1 false Number undefined Left x coordinate Local coordinates
x2 false Number undefined Right x coordinate Local coordinates
x false Number undefined Central x coordinate Local coordinates

There are different methods for vertically positioning the y-axis on the graph. The first is hjust. hjust can be specified as a String or as a Number. By default, the position of the y-axis is hjust = 'l' (left), which is the same as giving hjust the value 0. Other options are 'r' (right) and 'center', which are the same as respectively 1 and 0.5. These numbers refer to the position within the parent Section component- again, 0 placing the axis on the left, 0.5 in the middle, and 1 on the right side of the parent Section.

By default, the width of the axis will be 1/8 of its parent Section's width. Using the 'w' prop, another value can be chosen.

The other method to horizontally position the y-axis is to use some combination of the x1, x2, x, and w props. When using these props, the axis behaves in the same way as the Rectangle mark.

Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
y1 false [Number, String, Date] undefined Bottom y coordinate Local coordinates
y2 false [Number, String, Date] undefined Top y coordinate Local coordinates
y false [Number, String, Date] undefined Central y coordinate Local coordinates
h false Number undefined Height Local coordinates

By default the y-axis spans the entire width of the section. To customize the width of the y-axis, it is possible to use y1, y2, y and h as start and end coordinates. These props also behave in the same way as the Rectangle mark.

Main line

Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
domain false Boolean true If true render axis main line
domain-color false String 'black' Color of main line Named color, hex, rgb, hsl
domain-opacity false Number 1 Opacity of main line Number between 0 and 1
domain-width false Number 1 Stroke width of main line Screen pixels


Note that if a Function is passed to the format prop to format labels before rendering, the function output must be of type String

Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
labels false Boolean true If true render labels
format false [String, Function] undefined Formatting of axis labels
label-color false String 'black' Color of labels Named color, hex, rgb, hsl
label-font false String 'Helvetica' Font used for axis labels Named font
label-font-size false Number 10 Size of font used for axis labels Screen pixels
label-font-weight false [String, Number] 'normal' Weight of font used for axis labels Any valid css font weight
label-opacity false Number 1 Opacity of labels Number between 0 and 1
label-rotate false Boolean false If true rotate labels Degrees


Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
ticks false Boolean true If true render ticks
tick-color false String 'black' Color of ticks Named color, hex, rgb, hsl
tick-values false Array undefined Custom tick positions
tick-count false Number 10 Number of ticks on the axis, equal intervals
tick-extra false Boolean true If true, render extra tick at axis origin
tick-opacity false Number 1 Opacity of ticks Number between 0 and 1
tick-size false Number 7 Length of ticks Screen pixels
tick-width false Number 0.5 Stroke width of ticks Screen pixels


Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
title-hjust false [String, Number] depends Position of axis title relative to axis; default -0.08 for x-axis; default 'center' for y-axis Number between 0 and 1
title-vjust false [String, Number] depends Position of axis title relative to axis; default 'center' for x-axis; default 1.05 for y-axis Number between 0 and 1
title false String '' Text to render as axis title
title-anchor-point false String 'center' Baseline and alignment of title text
title-color false String 'black' Color of title Named color, hex, rgb, hsl
title-font false String 'Helvetica' Font used for axis title Named font
title-font-size false Number 12 Size of font used for axis title Screen pixels
title-font-weight false [String, Number] 'normal' Weight of font used for axis title Any valid css font weight
title-opacity false Number 1 Opacity of title Number between 0 and 1

Using the Section's axes prop

Axes can also be specified by using a prop on the Section component- see the Section props documentation.