Point Mark

The vgg-point mark is used to plot simple point elements. It is a special case of the more general Symbol mark that is made available on its own for convenience.




Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
x depends [Number, String, Date] undefined x-coordinate of center of point Local coordinates
y depends [Number, String, Date] undefined y-coordinate of center of point Local coordinates
geometry depends Object undefined GeoJSON object of type Point Local coordinates

Other aesthetics

Prop Required Types Default Description Unit(s)
radius false Number 3 Radius length Screen pixel
stroke false String 'none' Stroke color Named color, hex, rgb, hsl
stroke-width false Number 0 Stroke width Screen pixel
stroke-opacity false Number 1 Stroke opacity Number between 0 and 1
fill false String '#000000' Fill color Named color, hex, rgb, hsl
fill-opacity false Number 1 Fill opacity Number between 0 and 1
opacity false Number 1 Mark opacity Number between 0 and 1

These are analogous to the CSS properties of the same names.

Other props

Prop Required Types Default Description
transition false Number 0 Time taken to animate changes to each point when data changes


Event Description
click Triggered when user clicks on mark
hover Triggered when user hovers over mark
mouseover Triggered when user's mouse is above mark
mouseout Triggered when user's mouse leaves mark
select Triggered when mark is selected
deselect Triggered when mark is removed from selection

For more information on these events, see the Interactivity documentation.



To render the Point mark, you will need to provide the x and y or the geometry props. The two uses are mutually exclusive.

x and y can be of type Number, String and Date, depending on the domain type of the parent Section. geometry accepts GeoJSON Point objects only. To render other geometry types, see the overview on Geo marks.

Data is passed to the x, y and geometry props via row mapping, which renders one mark per data row. For a more in-depth explanation on how mapping works, see the Map section under Core components.


Transition duration: 1s

Radius: 5px